Here comes the list of enhancements to the jPDL notation.
- foreach structure: spawns concurrent paths of execution for each element of a collection.
- assign activity: copies a source value to a target location.
- variable declaration: declares a process variable with optional initial value and history trace.
- Most elements can appear in any order within their parent element.
- Improved documentation readability.
- Activity represents a step in the process.
- Transition represents a link between activities.
- OpenExecution.getActivity() returns the activity being executed.
- ExecutionService.createVariable() creates a process variable and optionally enables history tracing.
- HistoryService.getVariable() retrieves the latest value of a history-enabled variable.

Special thanks go to Hui Sheng Xu and to Maciej Swiderski who made profound contributions to this release.
Hope you find this release more stable and useful than ever. Should you need help or have any feedback, stop by our discussion forum.